Help Gridworks Guide California’s R&D Priorities

Gridworks is hosting an upcoming event in collaboration with the California Energy Commission (CEC) and Navigant for a Public Workshop on the Workshop on the Distributed Energy Resources (DER) Research Roadmap. This meeting is the first in a short series of public workshops to provide the distributed energy resources community an opportunity to inform research priorities for the California Energy Commission’s Electric Program Investment Fund (EPIC).

  • What: DER Research Roadmap Public Workshop
  • Where: Oakland Center (1000 Broadway, Oakland, CA)
  • When: July 25, 2019 10am – 3pm
  • Who: DER community members seeking to ensure the CEC has a strategic funding portfolio for DER initiatives

This workshop is an excellent opportunity for the DER community to provide input on research needs for the DER environment in California. This experience and input from DER stakeholders is a critical component of developing a comprehensive Research Roadmap that will provide a project selection framework for the Energy Commission to use.

The goal of this first meeting is to address several specific questions, including:

  • Does the presented prioritization methodology provide a fair, efficient, and comprehensive approach to prioritizing potential research needs?
  • What research needs (beyond those identified by the Technical Assessment) should be considered by the Commission staff? Stakeholders are invited to sponsor suggestions.

Gridworks is hoping to see many of you take advantage of this opportunity to provide your input and feedback at a critical juncture of the development of this Research Roadmap.

Post by Deborah Shields