Resource Adequacy September 2020

In August a record-setting heat wave spanned the western United States causing enough stress on California’s grid to trigger blackouts. Since the outages, there has been a frenzy of finger pointing and fact-checking jockeying to answer “how could this have happened?”

Gridworks Senior Fellows Arthur Haubenstock and Mike Florio, with a combined 50 years of experience in California energy markets, have put heads together to consider the cause of California’s stumble. In a new Gridworks blog, “Resource Adequacy May Not Have Failed, But is it Working?,” they discuss how California’s August blackouts suggest a need to update California’s Resource Adequacy program.

Read “California’s 2020 Energy Blackouts: Resource Adequacy May Not Have Failed, But Is It Working?”

With this blog, Gridworks is launching an initiative to help market leaders discuss current and future challenges, evaluate the merits of different approaches, and build consensus around working alternatives. These alternatives will benefit policy-makers as they navigate their critical decision-making. Our ultimate aim is to design and promote a suitable capacity market for California’s clean energy future.

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Post by Deborah Shields