Five years ago this month, in August of 2014, the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) opened a landmark Rulemaking (R.14-08-013) to explore new policies and methodologies for better incorporation of […]

‘DRP Retrospective’ Category
The Distribution Resource Planning (DRP) process was both a response to fundamental changes in electricity markets and an attempt to shape the course of future changes in ways that would […]
“California’s experience put it years ahead of anywhere else, except Hawaii. The whole concept was a paradigm shift, driven by market forces. Penetration by roof-top PV was at the time […]
Chapters One and Two provide context and background supporting this chapter California was not the only state grappling with an influx of distributed resources on electric utility systems. The State […]
If there is one thing that virtually all the players in California’s Distributed Resource Planning (DRP) process can agree on it is that when the process began in 2014 virtually […]
When the California Public Utilities Commission established the scope and schedule for the DRP proceeding, President Picker made two strategic procedural determinations. The first was that the Rulemaking would not […]
This article builds on earlier chapters, which can be reviewed here. The Integrated Capacity Analysis and Locational Net Benefits Analysis efforts were not the only critical pieces to resolving the […]
Among the most valuable lessons that other jurisdictions or utilities can learn from California’s Distribution Resource Planning (DRP) process is that it is a lot easier to imagine an end […]