‘General’ Category
Smart, passionate leaders in California’s diverse communities are focused and ready to make the changes needed to achieve California’s energy goals—and they’re waiting for California’s policies and programs to catch […]
Microgrid policy discussions are picking up in legislatures and PUCs across the West. Particular emphasis is being placed on addressing resiliency and reliability issues in light of increasing climate change-driven […]
This post is the third in a series on Gridworks’ project on high road labor standards in transportation electrification. Check out our earlier post here. To better understand high road […]
“Deliberate policy interventions are necessary in order to advance job quality and social equity as California transitions to a carbon-neutral economy, just as such efforts are required to reduce pollution, […]
We are excited to launch a new initiative that expands our work in transportation electrification. With support from the Energy Foundation and the guidance of an esteemed Advisory Committee, Gridworks […]
This month Gridworks was pleased to welcome Aimee Barnes to our Board of Directors. Aimee brings over 15 years’ experience in climate, energy, and sustainability, spanning the state, federal and […]