High Road Labor Standards in Transportation Electrification Project
Governor Newson’s Executive Order N-79-20 sparked renewed momentum to accelerate transportation electrification to achieve the goal of 100% zero-emission passenger cars and truck sales by 2035. The Executive Order also calls for the development of a “Just Transition Roadmap” to help workers transition to economic and labor market changes related to California’s climate goals, consistent with Assembly Bill 398 (Garcia, 2017). Equity in the transition to zero-emissions vehicles (ZEV) cannot happen without quality jobs within the ZEV industry. Creating those jobs and connecting people to those jobs requires collective action from public agencies, vehicle manufacturers, electric utilities, labor representatives, and advocates.
Gridworks takes on this initiative to provide policymakers, state and government agencies, and advocates a resource document to guide policy-making and initiatives that promote job creation and a just transition to transportation electrification in California communities. Moreover, the resource paper aims to support community-based organizations (CBOs) advocating for the implementation of high-quality labor standards in the ZEV industry.
Blog Post 1 – “Advancing High Road Labor Standards in Transportation Electrification”
Blog Post 2 – “What is a High Road Labor Standard”
Working Materials
Meeting 4/6/2021
Blog Post 2 – “What is a High Road Labor Standard”
Meeting 3/10/2021
3/10 Labor Standards TE Meeting2 Notes
Meeting 2/24/2021
Blog Post 1 – “Advancing High Road Labor Standards in Transportation Electrification”