New Report: Final Report of the California Public Utilities Commission’s Working Group on Load Shift

As California progresses toward its goal of 100% carbon-free electricity, Load Shift could play an increasingly significant role. The 2025 California Demand Response Potential Study suggests that beginning in 2025 up to $600 million (2015$) could be saved annually by shifting load to avoid the curtailment of renewable generation.

The Working Group met 11 times in 2018 with facilitation and support from Gridworks and the Commission’s Energy Division. Working collaboratively, a representative cross-section of stakeholders developed six different proposals on how Load Shift could be designed, sourced, incentivized and evaluated. This package of proposals provides a diverse range of options through which California can begin to actively test, refine and develop the Load Shift market needed to reach a 100% carbon-free grid.

To learn more participate in a February 28 webinar introducing the paper and discussing next steps in the development of Load Shift. 

Post by Deborah Shields