Final Report of California Rule 21 Working Group 4

Gridworks has been busy recently, supporting leaders in Oregon and Washington as they update their approach to distribution system planning.

In Oregon we’re more than halfway through a 10-part webinar series in the Public Distribution System Planning investigation. Through the webinars, expert partners beyond Oregon teamed with local utilities and community-based organizations to discover and discuss foundational topics like hosting capacity, non-wires solutions, DER valuation, and best practices for community engagement. The understanding which emerges will bridge Oregon’s current practices to the future.  Check out the schedule and catch up on past sessions via the webinar archive for links to webinar recordings, presentations, and Q&A from the sessions.

In Colorado, Gridworks has been supporting parties of the Public Utilities Commission’s Distribution System Planning proceeding through facilitated convenings and reporting of stakeholder positions across initial and supplementary rounds of comments.  The Commission has just kicked off the next phase in its investigation, which includes a series of workshops offering a deeper dive into core Distribution System Planning elements.  Gridworks will continue to engage parties, building consensus among stakeholders in anticipation of the Commission’s rulemaking later this year.

In each of these cases, Gridworks has pivoted to virtual engagement, ensuring progress even while we all save lives through shelter in place. We are thrilled to be working with such a diverse group of clean energy leaders in these states, achieving our mission to convene, educate and empower stakeholders to decarbonize our economy. 

If your initiative would benefit from our tested facilitation platform, let us know by email at We would be pleased to help

Post by Deborah Shields