New Mexico Grid Modernization


To support the development of a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NOPR) on Grid Modernization by the New Mexico Public Regulation Commission in 2022, Gridworks will conduct a series of webinars to gather information, identify issues and to the extent possible develop consensus recommendations for Grid Modernization NOPR language for use by PRC staff. 

Final Report – Recommendations For Adoption Of Advanced Inverters and Distributed Energy Resources

Investing In A Modern Electric Grid For New Mexico


Working Materials

Meeting 2/17/2022

Time 10am – 11:30am MT

Webinar #1 Meeting Notes

YouTube link to 2/17/22 Webinar

Consolidated Slide Deck – Webinar #1 – NMPRC Grid Modernization Overview

2/17/22 Meeting Agenda

NMPRC Grid Modernization Overview

New Mexico Energy, Minerals and Natural Resources Department Grid Modernization Program

Grid Modernization Act Legislation – HB0233 2020

PRC Inquiry into a Rulemaking to Implement the Grid Modernization Act


Meeting 3/3/2022

Time 10am – 11:30am MT

Webinar #2 Meeting Notes

YouTube Link to 3/3/22 Webinar

NMPRC Grid Modernization Webinar (#2) Slides

Integrated Distribution Planning Overview Slides

3/3/22 Meeting Agenda


Meeting 3/17/2022

Time 9:00am – 10:30am MT

Webinar #3 Meeting Notes

YouTube link to 3/17 Webinar

NMPRC Grid Modernization Webinar (#3) Slides

An Introduction to Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) Slides

3/17/22 Meeting Agenda


Meeting 4/7/2022

Time 10:00am – 11:30am MDT

Webinar #4 Meeting Notes

YouTube Link to 4/7 Webinar

NMPRC Grid Modernization Webinar (#4) Slides

Forecasting Load on Distribution Systems with Distributed Energy Resources – Overview Slides

4/7/22 Meeting Agenda


Meeting 4/21/2022

Time 10:00am – 11:30am MDT

Webinar #5 Meeting Notes

YouTube Link to 4/21 Webinar

NMPRC Grid Modernization Webinar (#5) Slides

IREC HCA Presentation for New Mexico Overview Slides

Key Decisions for Hosting Capacity Analyses Paper

4/21/22 Meeting Agenda


Meeting 5/5/2022

Time 10:00am – 11:30am MDT

Webinar #6 Meeting Notes

YouTube Link to 5/5/22 Webinar

NMPRC Grid Modernization Webinar (#6) Slides

Non-wires Solutions: Rationale & Best Practices Slides

IREC, Key Decisions for Hosting Capacity Analyses Paper

5/5/22 Meeting Agenda


Workshop to Inform Forthcoming NMPRC Transportation Electrification Rulemaking

Meeting 5/12/2022

Time 9:00am – 12:30am MDT

Transportation Electrification Workshop Meeting Notes

YouTube Link to 5/12/22 TE Workshop


Gridworks Presentation

NMPRC Staff Presentation

Public Service New Mexico Presentation

Southwestern Public Service Company Presentation

El Paso Electric Presentation

Prosperity Works Comments on Anticipated Transportation Electrification Notice of Proposed Rulemaking

Comments on NMPRC Transportation Electrification Rule


Meeting 5/19/2022

Time 10:00am – 11:30am MDT

Webinar #7 Meeting Notes

YouTubeLink to 5/19/22

NMPRC Grid Modernization Webinar (#7) Slides

Transportation Electrification in DSP Slides

Modernizing New Mexico’s Grid – Draft Outline for Discussion

5/19/22 Meeting Agenda


Meeting 6/2/2022

Time 10:00am – 11:30am MDT

Webinar #8 Meeting Notes

YouTube Link to 6/2/22

NMPRC Grid Modernization Webinar (#8) Slides

Evaluation Methods for Grid Investments and DERs- Slides



New Mexico Transportation Electrification Summit

Meeting 6/9/2022

Time 10:00am – 12:00pm MDT

NM TE Summit Agenda

Recording of 6/9/22 TE Summit (Passcode: ^iqW60Ut)

New Mexico Transportation Electrification Summit- Slides

Joint Office of Energy and Transportation – Slides

Statewide EV Charging Station Deployment Plan – Slides

Securing Benefits from Transportation Electrification – Slides


NM Interconnection Phase II, Advanced Inverter Working Group Meeting 

June 9, 2022

Time 1:00pm – 3:00pm MT

Summit Meeting Recording

Passcode: NnGQi#L4


Meeting 6/30/2022 

Procedures for Submitting and Reviewing Grid Modernization Applications

Time 10:00am – 11:30am MDT

Webinar #9 Meeting Notes

YouTube Link t 6/30/22 Webinar

NMPRC Grid Modernization Webinar (#9) Slides

Advanced Metering as a Bridge to Grid Modernization -Slides

Grid Modernization and the NM PRC: Advanced Metering as a Bridge to Grid Modernization – Doc

6/30/22 Meeting Agenda


Meeting 7/14/2022 

NM Interconnection Phase II, Advanced Inverter Working Group/Communication protocols expert presentation and proposal suggestions

Time 10:30am – 11:30am MDT

Advanced Inverter Adoption Recommendation

Comms input from IREC

Interoperability Maturity Roadmap IEEE Std 2030.5

IEEE 1547 Adoption: Decision Options Matrix

Meeting Agenda

SunSpec Modbus Interface

SunSpec Technology Overview

Advanced Inverter Adoption – Subgroup Proposal, DRAFT V5 2022_06_28


Meeting 7/21/2022

Recap and Summarize Findings and Recommendations

Time 10:00am – 11:30am MDT

7/21/22 Meeting Agenda

NMPRC Grid Modernization Webinar Series Conclusions and Recommendations – Webinar (#10) Slides


Meeting 7/28/2022 

NM Interconnection Phase II, Advanced Inverter Working Group

7/28/22 Meeting Agenda

Advanced Inverter Communications Proposal

Advanced Inverter Report – Draft


Meeting 8/11/2022 

NM Interconnection Phase II, Advanced Inverter Working Group

8/11/22 Meeting Agenda

Advanced Inverter Recommendation – Version 1 – Draft

8/11/22 Meeting Summary

Meeting Recording

Passcode: ?&Y84Q$D


Meeting 8/25/2022 

NM Interconnection Phase II, Advanced Inverter Working Group

8/25 Meeting Agenda

Advanced Inverter Recommendations – Version 2 – Draft

8/25/22 Meeting Summary

IREC Comments

C. Eder Comments


Meeting 9/8/2022 

NM Interconnection Phase II, Advanced Inverter Working Group

9/8/22 Meeting Agenda


VERSION3 comments SMA

VERSION3 comments IREC

9/8/22 Meeting Summary

Final Report -Recommendations for Adoption of Advanced Inverters and Distributed Energy Resources


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