El Paso Electric Company (EPE)
New Mexico implemented a new process to engage those invested in and impacted by New Mexico’s energy infrastructure, giving stakeholders an opportunity to shape key decisions about how much new electric infrastructure is needed and how to get it. The process is open to all stakeholders. El Paso Electric Company is the third New Mexico based utility to participate in this process as they prepare their 2025 Integrated Resource Plan.
This stakeholder engagement process was set in motion in the fall of 2022 when the New Mexico Public Regulation Commission (PRC) enacted new procedures for the state’s investor-owned electric utilities to follow as they file their 20-year Integrated Resource Plans (IRP). These plans are a critical instrument in determining the future of energy in New Mexico. The PRC’s final order (Sept 2022) and final order upon reconsideration (Nov 2022) describe the requirements of this process.
For more information, please visit the EPE Website.
If you have questions, contact info@gridworks.org.