Distribution System Modeling with GridLAB-D


Gridworks is partnering with Stanford National Accelerator Laboratory (SLAC), Hitachi, National Grid, and the Pacific Northwest National Lab (PNNL) leading three CEC EPIC projects to develop distribution system modeling tools to evaluate distributed energy resources.

Modeling software for power systems is undergoing significant development to address an increasingly complex electric grid. This initiative looks to address some of these most pressing needs by enhancing GridLAB-D, an open source distribution simulation and analysis modeling software developed by the U.S. Department of Energy. GridLAB-D is capable of dynamic analysis, estimation of the grid benefits and impacts of DERs, and support of decision making and planning processes on the distribution system.

This initiative looks to enhance GridLAB-D through three discrete projects, developing:

  1. An open-source modeling framework and translation tool;
  2. High-performance computing in open source grid modeling; and
  3. An open-source user interface for GridLAB-D.


Open Framework for Integrated Data Operations (OpenFIDO) is a data interchange, synthesis and analysis framework allowing interoperability between different power systems tools. This capability allows for a more reliable and efficient data exchange.

High-Performance Agent-Based Simulation using GridLAB-D (HiPAS GridLAB-D) is an open-source upgrade to GridLAB-D that speeds up the analysis performance and computational efficiency of the tool, using intelligent, adaptive multi-threading to deploy highly granular parallelization in agent-based simulations.

GridLAB-D Open Workspace (GLOW) looks to develop a high-end user interface for GridLAB-D that is more intuitive and user-friendly for all stakeholders, including non-expert users, to increase access to simulation and modeling results.

GridLAB-D Open Workspace (GLOW) Project Fact Sheet

Video on GLOW  (On behalf of the Stanford SLAC, Hitachi Solutions America, and Gridworks, we would like to thank members of the Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) for a distribution modeling program funded under the California Energy Commission #EPIC program)


Please email info@gridworks.org for more details.

Working Materials

Spring 2023 TAC Meeting – April 6, 2023

In Person Location:

California Natural Resources Building
Second Floor Center Conference Room 221 (2-221-B)
715 P Street
Sacramento CA 95814

GridLAB-D TAC Meeting and Workshop – Objectives and Agenda – April 6, 2023

Slide Deck – GridLAB-D Open Workspace (GLOW) Technical Advice and Discussion

Slide Deck – GridLAB-D Open Workspace (GLOW) Orientation and Education

Slide Deck – HiPAS GidLAB-D (EPC-17-046) Orientation and Education

Slide Deck – OpenFIDO (EPC-17-047) Orientation and Education


HiPAS GridLAB-D Developer Training Session 1 – video

Spring 2022 TAC Meeting – April 27, 2022

TAC Meeting Objectives and Agenda

TAC Meeting Slide Deck – HiPAS GridLAB-D (EPC-17-046)

GridLAB-D Open Workspace (GLOW) TAC – Project Update

OpenFIDO (EPC-17-047)

TAC Meeting Notes April 27, 2022

Fall 2021 TAC Meeting – Sep 9, 2021

TAC meeting Agenda and Objectives

TAC Meeting Slide Deck #1

TAC Meeting Slide Deck #2

TAC Meeting Notes Sep 9, 2021

Workshop on GLOW Beta Launching Sep 9, 2021

Workshop Agenda and Objectives 

Spring 2021 TAC Meeting – April 2, 2021


GridLAB-D TAC Meeting Introduction – Gridworks


Hipas Updates 

OpenFIDO Updates 



Workshop – GLOW – IEEE-PES-Webinar

Fall 2020 TAC Meeting – Sep 11, 2020

Spring 2020 TAC Meeting – April 2, 2020

Fall 2019 TAC Meeting – September 5, 2019

Spring 2019 TAC Meeting – April 3, 2019

Fall 2018 TAC Meeting – September 6 & 7, 2018

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